Podiatrist Residency Training – Obtaining Your Podiatrist License

Podiatrist or podiatry is an area of medicine dedicated to the study, identification, and treatment of disorders of the feet, ankle, leg, and lower limb. The term Podiatry can be used to refer to both medical specialists and sub-specialists in the field of podiatry who are specialized in a particular field of medicine. Podiatrists are board certified and hold advanced degrees in podiatry. Some of them have additional certifications in podiatry, diagnostic radiology, orthopedics, pathology, obstetrics/maternity, pediatrics, neurology, vascular medicine, physical sciences, orthopedics, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, infertility, neurology, otolaryngology, podiatry, orthopedics, psychology, physiology, and statistics.

A podiatrist is also referred as a physician who specializes in treating disorders and injuries of the foot. A podiatrist treats most of the common disorders and injuries such as plantar fasciitis, corns and calluses, hammer toe, heel pain, fractures, hemorrhoids, shin splints, whiplash, knee pain, Runner’s Knee, foot pain and tennis elbow. Podiatrist performs surgeries, devises foot and ankle splints, makes surgical adjustments, provides therapeutic exercises, examines the patient under a microscope, provides advice on exercise, and treats athletes in various sports. Some of these podiatrists specialize in a particular field of medicine like pediatric podiatry, geriatrics, orthopedics, sports medicine, cosmetic surgery, or surgical orthopedics. Other podiatrists work in close collaboration with other health care professionals and treat patients with a variety of illnesses.

Podiatrists are trained as fully fledged orthopedic doctors. They complete a four year undergraduate degree and earn an associate’s degree from an accredited Podiatry school. In addition to attending college to get their license, podiatrists need to pass a licensing exam from their state’s Board of Podiatry Practice. After they pass the certification exam, they can practice Podiatry independently or become a Podiatrist’s assistant.

An associate’s degree also allows a podiatrist to acquire a special license, which is known as a Podiatrist Laryngoscope. A laryngoscope, also called a voice box, has a tube with a small microphone on the end that allows it to detect disturbances in the voice using sound waves. A Podiatrist uses these voice waves to diagnose and treat disorders of the voice. Some of these instruments are attached to the legs of patients for better communication and to aid in treatment.
A podiatrist is uniquely qualified among medical professionals in providing relief to their patients. They treat various disorders and injuries using various techniques and medicines. As a result, they are highly skilled and have a thorough knowledge about their field. As such, they are excellent in diagnosing and treating ailments related to the feet and hands. One can find a number of online courses being offered to professionals wishing to become a podiatrist to enhance their knowledge and improve their skills.

As a podiatrist needs to treat a wide variety of ailments, they require many years of educational and clinical training. The best way to prepare for this process is through a four-year degree program from a Podiatrist’s Hospital School. During the period of study, he or she will learn about general surgery, reflexology, orthopedics, geriatrics, pulmonology, infertility, pediatrics and much more. This ensures that a Podiatrist will be well equipped to treat all types of patients with equal attention and care.

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